Compass Classic Readers Series全書精美插圖加上彩色印刷,給你更美觀的視覺饗宴,讀者更可以利用隨書附贈聽力MP3加強聽力。特別是書後有小劇場(playlet)的單元,有角色分配跟對白的設計,可靈活運用在分組戲劇練習上,且書後也列出所有的新生字(New Words),即使是初中級讀者也可輕鬆體會閱讀經典的喜悅!
Compass Classic Readers
Components: Reader, mp3 CD (included in the reader)、Workbook
Levels: Level 1 ~ 6。
Level 1: 500 family words per reader / 1500 family words per level
Level 2: 750 family words per reader / 2000 family words per level
Level 3: 950 family words per reader / 2500 family words per level
Level 4: 1150 family words per reader / 3000 family words per level
Level 5: 1350 family words per reader / 3500 family words per level
Level 6: 1550 family words per reader / 4000 family words per level
(family words = head words)
Compass Classic Readers provide beginning and intermediate English language learners accessible adaptations of the greatest works of literature. Carefully designed to retell the stories using vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate for one of six different grade levels, each reader will help English language learners enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read about the stories.
Benefits of Reading Classic Readers
- Extensive Reading Practice
- Fundamental reading fluency practice
- Extension & consolidation of vocabulary
- Repeated exposure to common grammar structure
- Accessible adaptations of the world’s greatest literary works
- Cultural and historical contexts for broader understanding of the world
- Carefully graded retold-stories using appropriate vocabulary and sentences structure
- Motivating full-color illustrations (excluding level 5 & 6)
- Discussion questions before and after each chapter
- A short playlet for fun classroom activities
- A glossary of key vocabulary words
- A MP3 CD
- A companion workbook with answer key
- Free downloadable teachers’ tips available on www.compasspub.com/classicreaders
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