Newcomer Phonics is a fun-filled activities program designed especially for students whoa re new to English
Colorfully illustrated activity pages present each new sound in the context of lively Phonics Team adventures.
The Newcomer Phonics Program features:
- Activities highlighting vowels, blends, digraphs, and diphthongs
- Over 400 high-frequency words illustrated in sentences
- Decodable text and carefully controlled vocabulary
- ESL/ELD themes such as family, clothing and weather
- Grammar topics, such as preposition and verbs
- Ten Little Books students can pull out and read at home
- An audio program with chants, songs, and listening activities
- Phonics Cards to reinforce sounds and letters
- A comprehensive Teacher’s Guide with phonemic awareness and extension activities for a variety of learning styles
- Audio CD for Student Book
- Flash Card
- Teacher's Guide
Newcomer PHONICS全美暢銷ESL-Phonics課程適用對象:學過基礎Phonics課程的兒童。內容包括母音、字群等發音練習。400種常用單字,用句子呈現。用各種不同活動與方式來學者Phonics。錄音帶有韻文、歌曲及聽力練習
- 課本CD
- 圖卡
- 教師手冊
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