Fast Track Phonics is an activities program designed for students who are learning to read in English.
Colorfully illustrated pages present each new sound in the context of lively Phonics Team adventures.
The Fast Track Phonics Program features:
- Activities highlighting vowels, blends, digraphs, and diphthongs
- Over 400 high-frequency words illustrated in sentences
- Decodable text and carefully controlled vocabulary
- Theme relevant to everyday life, such as sports, health, food, and shopping
- Grammar topics, such as preposition and verbs
- Ten Photo Stories and Plays that students can read and act out together
- An audio program with chants, songs, and listening activities
- Phonics Cards to reinforce sounds and letters
- A comprehensive Teacher’s Guide with phonemic awareness practice and a variety of extension activities to engage older learners
- Audio CD
- Flash Card
- Teacher's Guide
Fast Track Phonics 本書專為幫助學過基礎發音課程,在短時間內快速做到發音複習的最佳發音加強教材。
- 全書共分10個單元每個單元另附Photo Story or Photo Play。讓學生做閱讀練習及彼此角色扮演來練習發音。
- 活動強調母音、混合音、及雙母音的發音技巧。
- 每個單元內的相關主題皆屬日常生活中常接觸的,例如運動、健康、食物、和購物等,輕鬆複習,輕鬆學。
- 同時透過400個高頻率單字穿插在句子裡做練習。
- 本書另有針對Grammar。如介詞和動詞使用方式教學練習。
- CD內含青少年及成人最愛韻文,歌曲及聽力活動訓練。
- 字卡依不同主題分類如動物、學校、食物、顏色等每張字卡皆以不同顏色標示出該單字之發音符號。
- 備有詳盡的教師手冊,提供完善的教學建議 。
- CD
- 圖卡
- 教師手冊
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