Plan and Compose Successful Writing!
Think and Write is a two-book series for the upper elementary to middle school students. Think and Write provides motivation for writing, as well as a framework from which to write. This series also provides students with background information and examples of practical application while providing structure for their own writing. Think and Write combines reading and writing to give students the skills needed to develop their ideas into full paragraphs. With think and Write, students will learn how to express their thoughts in writing and make the change from sentence based thinkers to confident paragraph writers.
Key Features
- Reading passages that appeal to students' interests.
- Activities that help students to learn vocabulary and idioms.
- Interesting illustration that help students to learn English expression.
- Guidance for students to systematically and specifically organize their ideas.
- Opportunities for students to express their opinions and feelings freely and confidently.
- Focused section that allow for ease of use in various classroom settings
- Teacher's Manual contains unit overviews, teaching tips, answer keys and extra vocabulary practice.
Think & Write Book 1-2
Teacher's Manual 1-2
Think & Write是專為中小學生設計的閱讀寫作教材,Think & Write課程設計提供學生寫作的動機及架構,並且提供主題的背景知識及寫作範例,輔助圖片增加學生的想像空間,讓學生可以自由創作。Think & Write結合閱讀與寫作能力訓練。讓學生能夠將他們的想法經過有系統地組織整理後寫成段落文章,進而成為整篇的文章的能力。
- 靈活的練習題幫助學生學好單字及片語
- 有趣的圖畫幫助學生做好看圖寫作的訓練
- 引導式的練習幫助學生有組織有系統地用寫作表達他們的想法及意見
- 教師手冊中包含了單元複習卷,教學參考,解答,額外的單字練習單,可以在優百科網站電子書專區下載
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