My next Grammar is the following series to My First grammar.
Constructed with the learner at the center of the design, the grammar concepts and activities included in this book are designed to meet the needs of elementary school students from the fourth to sixth grade.
My Next Grammar's main focus is to present grammar targets in an achievable way while challenging students at the same time.
By providing age-appropriate grammar structures, sentences, and activies, the My Next Grammar series helps students maintain a feeling of success and interest throughout their studies.
Key Features
- American English
- Six Units of Easy and Concise Grammar Targets
- Spiral Syllabus
- Learner-Centered Activities
- Illustrations and real Photos to Help Learners Use Visualization Skills
- Games, Fun Activities or Comics at the End of Each Unit
- Cumulative Quizzes at the Beginning of Each Lesson
- Two Sets of Complete Progress Tests
- Student Book 1-3
- Workbook 1-3
- Teacher's Manual 1-3
My Next Grammar是一套接續My First Grammar的文法教材,
為了延續My First Grammar的教學架構,
My Next Grammar將重要的文法重點運用簡明的文法圖示教學,
- 美式英文
- 螺旋循環式的課程編排
- 每個單元開頭都有複習活動,下方都有備註註明練習題來源,方便複習
- 有系統的學習文法架構
- 多樣有深度的練習題
- 透過填空閱讀及個人化的練習題,使文法練習更加紮實
- 每個單元結束都有簡明的文法摘要,方便複習
- 有趣的文法複習漫畫
- 每冊有期中跟期末測驗幫助測驗學生吸收程度
- 每冊最後包含所有單元的考卷
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