My First Grammar is a new series for young English learners.
Using a fun and easy approach to grammar, My First Grammar strives to build a solid foundation for English language learning.
Students studying with My First Grammar will be presented with a guided set of tools to achieve their own mastery of English grammar.
Providing easy to understand lessons and enjoyable activities, My First Grammar enables students to maintain a feeling of success from beginning to end.
Key Features
- American English
- Six Units of Easy and Concise Grammar Targets
- Spiral Syllabus
- Learner-Centered Activities
- Illustrations and real Photos to Help Learners Use Visualization Skills
- Games, Fun Activities or Comics at the End of Each Unit
- Cumulative Quizzes at the Beginning of Each Lesson
- Two Sets of Complete Progress Tests
Student Book 1-3
- Workbook 1-3
- Teacher's Manual 1-3
My First Grammar是一本專為英文初學兒童設計的有趣而易懂的文法教材,My First Grammar運用螺旋循環式教學的方法來教導基礎的文法概念,這樣使學習者不斷複習每一個重要的文法概念。
- 美式英文
- 螺旋循環式的課程編排
- 以學習者為主的練習活動
- 運用大量圖畫及真實照片幫助學生運用視覺技巧來了解文法
- 每個單元結束均含有趣的卡通、複習遊戲及活動
- 每個小單元開頭都有複習活動,下方都有備註註明練習題來源,方便複習
- 每冊附期中跟期末測驗幫助測驗學生吸收程度
- 學生課本共一~三冊
- 作業本共一~三冊
- 教師手冊共一~三冊
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