Super Easy Reading (Elementary)

Easy Reading共三冊,為幼兒所設計之基礎閱讀練習,由高頻率字彙所編寫而成。
◆另附Audio CD 訓練學習聽力及發音。
◆另附Audio CD 訓練學習聽力及發音。
Easy Reading is a three-level series designed to introduce very young students
to reading English. Throughout the series, the students will expand their
vocabulary with relevant, high frequency words, as well as develop and improve
reading fluency and sight-word recognition. In Super Easy Reading, students can
practice reading in a controlled and carefully graduated manner which students
will find fun, accessible, and educational.
‧Exciting, full-page Illustrations to support the beginning reader
‧Multi-skill approach to learning
‧Mini picture dictionary featured in each unit
‧Repeated recycling of vocabulary, reinforcing sight-word recognition for young readers
‧Accompanying audio recording to promote development of listening and pronunciation skills
‧Teacher’s guide with answer key, teacher’s tips, and extra activities‧Exciting, full-page Illustrations to support the beginning reader
‧Multi-skill approach to learning
‧Mini picture dictionary featured in each unit
‧Repeated recycling of vocabulary, reinforcing sight-word recognition for young readers
‧Accompanying audio recording to promote development of listening and pronunciation skills
Super Easy Reading 1 Sample page
Super Easy Reading 2 Sample page
Super Easy Reading 3 Sample page
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