而閱讀速度的快慢也影響了理解能力 (Comprehension)。閱讀速度的提升和訓練是需要清楚的步驟加以學習的,Reading for Speed and Fluency便是提升和訓練閱讀速度的最佳教材。
◎ 主題式編排文章,方便讀者融會貫通。
◎ 嚴控單字挑選,避免因不熟的單字降低了閱讀速度。
◎ 少數艱難單字事先解釋,減少閱讀時的干擾。
◎ 選擇題式測驗,評量速讀時的理解力。
◎ 附進度表格,以利記錄閱讀速度的進展。
◎ 本書在www.EnglishBook.com.tw電子書(解答及教師資源) 可自行下載MP3做聽力訓練。
◎ 主題式編排文章,方便讀者融會貫通。
◎ 嚴控單字挑選,避免因不熟的單字降低了閱讀速度。
◎ 少數艱難單字事先解釋,減少閱讀時的干擾。
◎ 選擇題式測驗,評量速讀時的理解力。
◎ 附進度表格,以利記錄閱讀速度的進展。
◎ 本書在www.EnglishBook.com.tw電子書(解答及教師資源) 可自行下載MP3做聽力訓練。
Although many English
language learners are able to comprehend basic texts, they still face the
obstacle of reading far below the optimal rate.
Research suggests that 250
words per minute is the target reading speed for fluent second language
reading. In order to develop their reading speed, students need to practice
reading at an accelerated pace with texts that have little or no new vocabulary
that might slow them down. For this reason, Compass Publishing has developed
the Reading for Speed and Fluency, a four-book series for individual or
classroom use to practice accelerated reading.
˙Thematically arranged
reading passages to facilitate readers ’comprehension of subsequent texts
within each grouping
˙Strictly controlled vocabulary throughout the book to limit the slowing effect of unfamiliar words
˙Preview activities at the beginning of each chapter to promote faster reading of passages through pre-exposure to vocabulary and content found within the chapter
˙Multiple-choice questions following each passage that allow students to self monitor their comprehension at accelerated reading speeds
˙Progress charts at the back of the book that allow students to graphically record their personal reading speed development
˙Strictly controlled vocabulary throughout the book to limit the slowing effect of unfamiliar words
˙Preview activities at the beginning of each chapter to promote faster reading of passages through pre-exposure to vocabulary and content found within the chapter
˙Multiple-choice questions following each passage that allow students to self monitor their comprehension at accelerated reading speeds
˙Progress charts at the back of the book that allow students to graphically record their personal reading speed development
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