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Guided Writing (Elementary)

Guided Writing (Elementary)

Guided Writing is a three-level series designed to stimulate creativity in young English learners while developing the foundational skills required to write mistake-free sentences and simple paragraphs. The series provides students with exercise and activities centered on modeled writing which allow them to develop their writing and creative thinking skills. The series is based around useful and familiar topics ranging from family to travel. Using a four-step guided-writing process, students learn to write about a variety of topics. Through the study of practical and useful vocabulary and the accompanying activities, students are able to practice all four language skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing), while building a sound writing foundation.

˙Familiar and interesting topics
˙Four sections per unit that present vocabulary, offer practice writing well-structured sentences, develop students’ brainstorming abilities, and guide students in writing well-organized paragraphs, respectively
˙Reading, speaking, and listening activities to increase overall comprehension
˙Writing samples and strategies relevant to each unit’s topic
˙Guided questions to help students plan and write quality paragraphs

˙Detachable practice book for extra in-class practice or homework

相關書籍連結: Guided Writing Plus (Elementary-Lower Intermediate)  點擊進入該網頁看介紹

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