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USA Characters Unite

Aimee Mullins has built a career as an athlete, model, actor and activist for women, sports, and the next generation of prosthetics.

Mullins was born without fibular bones and had both of her legs amputated below the knee when she was an infant. She learned to walk on prosthetics, then to run -- competing at the national and international level as a champion sprinter, setting world records at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. In 1999, Aimee made her runway debut in London at the invitation of Alexander McQueen. She's a passionate advocate for a new kind of thinking about bodies and identities. Aimee also has received accolades for her work as an actor, debuting in the art epic “Cremaster 3.” She is currently starring as Isis in Matthew Barney’s “Ancient Evenings” project, an adaptation of the novel by Norman Mailer.


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