Ur Best




Listening Advantage (High Beginner-Intermediate)

Listening Advantage (High Beginner-Intermediate)


特 色
◎ 實用的聽力內容包括社交應對、交易對話、廣播和聲明。
◎ 每冊共十二單元,四頁一單元的內容,適合短時數的課程。
◎ 「語言放大鏡」幫助學生深入了解主要的文法架構,和交際溝通的句法。
◎ 「會話秀出來」建立主動的聽力技巧,例如適當地回應、表現興趣/訝異、表達困惑。
◎ 「一聽就懂!」傳授學生細分聽力內容,聆聽抑揚頓挫和發音的訣竅。
◎ 期中和期末的模擬測驗協助學生熟悉常見的基本考題型式。

Listening Advantage is a four-level, strategies-based course designed to improve listening skills through the use of activities and topics that are meaningful to students’ lives. Realistic listening passages include social conversations, transactional dialogues, broadcasts, and announcements.

l   12 easy-to-teach four-page units make Listening Advantage ideal for short courses.
l   Language Focus sections raise students’ awareness of key grammatical and functional patterns.
l   Conversation Strategy sections build active listening strategies such as responding appropriately, showing interest/surprise, and clarifying when you don’t understand.
l   Catch It! sections show learners how to break speech down into chunks and listen for stress, intonation, and pronunciation cues.
l   Mid-Book and Final Practice Tests familiarize students with common standardized test formats.
l   Self-study Audio CD with accompanying exercises provides additional homework or language lab practice.
Practical Teacher’s Guide makes lesson preparation quick and simple.

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