Drive 1 is part of the first level in a four-level preparatory course for
elementary and middle school students interested in developing fundamental
English language skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Each book
of this four-skill series focuses on a separate skill, allowing students to
concentrate on the necessary techniques and strategies for the separate skills
of reading, listening, speaking, and writing without having to encounter
multiple skills. Each level of this four-skill series teaches 500 of the most
common headwords encountered in communication and academic study. Students
completing all four levels of the Drive series will study over 2,000 different
headwords. Used together, the Drive series provides a complete learning
experience for developing students’ English language abilities across the four
fundamental skill areas.
units with graded topic-based vocabulary
variety of activities to build English language skills
units and sample practice tests included for each skill
vocabulary practice through free application accessible with QR code
相關書籍連結: Speaking Drive (Elementary-Intermediate)
Reading Drive (Elementary-Intermediate)
Writing Drive (Elementary-Intermediate) 點擊進入該網頁看介紹
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