TARGET TOEIC Second Edition
TARGET TOEIC Second Edition is designed to provide through and realistic preparation for the TOEIC test through authentic test practice. In order to ensure that students are getting authentic test practice, this new edition has been updated to incorporate changes recently made to the TOEIC test. TARGET TOEIC Second Edition follows the length and format of the actual TOEIC test. It employs the identical layout and included the same directions found on the actual TOEIC test.
TARGET TOEIC Second Edition includes:
Six practice tests designed to simulate actual TOEIC tests, including all recent modifications, allowing test takers to familiarize themselves with the test
Recordings of both British and American accents, as per the style of the newer versions of the TOEIC test
Longer listening sections and reading passages
Complete typescripts and answer keys
Answer sheets for each test using authentic TOEIC format
Complete audio recordings of the listening sections of the test
※ 十六個教學單元,適合學校及補教課程設計。
※ 每四個單元附Mini Test一回,測試學生吸收程度。
※ 另附一份全真模擬考題(聽力+閱讀)。
※ 十三個練習,分別以美、英、澳三種口音示範,以突破聽力障礙。
1. 實力與應戰技巧並重:「五大聽力基本功」助於實力養成;「六大聽力破解法」提升應試技巧!
2. 豐富的試題:集合多益權威Compass出版的題庫,設計出66回練習;另有四回Mini Test。題目總數共982題
3. 強調聽寫Dictation的重要性:在「奠基練習」中透過大量聽寫,培養聽力實力。
4. 題型多樣:依「句型」、「提問」、「主題」作出近30種題型,反覆練習,琢磨精湛應試技巧。
1. 作者教學經驗豐富,最了解教學需求及學生弱點;親自應試多益測驗,取得高分985分,充分了解多益題型。
2. 由淺入深,依主題分單元,介紹生活及職場各層面。
3. 每單元含:
* 20個情境式相關字彙,以字族word family呈現。
* 一個文法主題,總共十六個多益必考文法重點。
* 「綜合練習」為針對該單元主題所設計之多益題型。
4. 將字彙融入例句與綜合練習中,反覆接觸,易記易懂。
Very easy TOEIC Second Edition
Level: Pre-intermediate to Intermediate
Very Easy TOEIC Second Edition is an introduction to the TOEIC. Each of the 12 units focuses on practice of one of the main grammatical points tested in TOEIC. A mini test at the end of each unit provides reinforcement of the key grammar points and practice for each TOEIC question type. A full practice test is also available. Very Easy TOEIC Second Edition is accessible to lower level students and provides and excellent foundation for the new TOEIC format.
Clear and precise grammar explanations
Thematic units with integrated grammar practice
Exercise section that distinguishes between commonly confused words
Answer key and tape scripts for all mini tests and the full-length test
Audio recordings of the Listening sections for each mini test and full-length.
TARGET TOEIC Second Edition is designed to provide through and realistic preparation for the TOEIC test through authentic test practice. In order to ensure that students are getting authentic test practice, this new edition has been updated to incorporate changes recently made to the TOEIC test. TARGET TOEIC Second Edition follows the length and format of the actual TOEIC test. It employs the identical layout and included the same directions found on the actual TOEIC test.
TARGET TOEIC Second Edition includes:
Six practice tests designed to simulate actual TOEIC tests, including all recent modifications, allowing test takers to familiarize themselves with the test
Recordings of both British and American accents, as per the style of the newer versions of the TOEIC test
Longer listening sections and reading passages
Complete typescripts and answer keys
Answer sheets for each test using authentic TOEIC format
Complete audio recordings of the listening sections of the test
※ 十六個教學單元,適合學校及補教課程設計。
※ 每四個單元附Mini Test一回,測試學生吸收程度。
※ 另附一份全真模擬考題(聽力+閱讀)。
※ 十三個練習,分別以美、英、澳三種口音示範,以突破聽力障礙。
1. 實力與應戰技巧並重:「五大聽力基本功」助於實力養成;「六大聽力破解法」提升應試技巧!
2. 豐富的試題:集合多益權威Compass出版的題庫,設計出66回練習;另有四回Mini Test。題目總數共982題
3. 強調聽寫Dictation的重要性:在「奠基練習」中透過大量聽寫,培養聽力實力。
4. 題型多樣:依「句型」、「提問」、「主題」作出近30種題型,反覆練習,琢磨精湛應試技巧。
1. 作者教學經驗豐富,最了解教學需求及學生弱點;親自應試多益測驗,取得高分985分,充分了解多益題型。
2. 由淺入深,依主題分單元,介紹生活及職場各層面。
3. 每單元含:
* 20個情境式相關字彙,以字族word family呈現。
* 一個文法主題,總共十六個多益必考文法重點。
* 「綜合練習」為針對該單元主題所設計之多益題型。
4. 將字彙融入例句與綜合練習中,反覆接觸,易記易懂。
Very easy TOEIC Second Edition
Level: Pre-intermediate to Intermediate
Very Easy TOEIC Second Edition is an introduction to the TOEIC. Each of the 12 units focuses on practice of one of the main grammatical points tested in TOEIC. A mini test at the end of each unit provides reinforcement of the key grammar points and practice for each TOEIC question type. A full practice test is also available. Very Easy TOEIC Second Edition is accessible to lower level students and provides and excellent foundation for the new TOEIC format.
Clear and precise grammar explanations
Thematic units with integrated grammar practice
Exercise section that distinguishes between commonly confused words
Answer key and tape scripts for all mini tests and the full-length test
Audio recordings of the Listening sections for each mini test and full-length.
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