Just Speak Up is a series of three books designed to develop English language learners’ speaking abilities by engaging them in conversations on multiple topics in a variety of communicative formats. Many standardized tests of the English language proficiency include speaking components in which students are expected to be able to talk for several minutes on a given topic in order to demonstrate their level of oral proficiency. The Just Speak Up Series provides instructors with classroom materials to guide students through more than 60hours of extensive speaking practice. With more than 250 question prompts organized into 20 thematic units in each book, students are bound to find something to talk about in every class period.
Benefits for students who practice this type extensive speaking include:
- Greater confidence at approaching tasks that requires students to speak on a given topic
- Development of critical thinking skills as they select and organize information to be shared
- Development of speaking skills particularly related to detailing personal experiences and explaining personal opinions or preferences.
- Increased classroom participation through listening, responding, and sharing.
Features of the series include:
- Sample responses to the questions featured in each unit
- Question guides to help students organize their own responses
- Pair work and group work activities to keep students active and engaged
- Audio recordings of sample responses to model intonation and pronunciation of useful phrases and vocabulary.
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