Ur Best




Milestones - 美國學校教材


  • Embedded Assessment – 本書課程設計採嵌入式的評量
  • Academic Vocabulary Instruction – 本書採用重要單字與學術字彙並行
  • Complete Assessment & Remediation Supports – 課後完整的評量與修正資源


  1. 本書包含聽、說、讀、寫、字彙、文法之進階主教材
  2. 閱讀:每冊分6單元Units,每單元分2章節,每單元設計一篇為文學,另一篇包含閟學、科學、文化、社會、歷史等當代多元化的主題,文章前後皆有閱讀測驗加強學生思考能力,絕對吸引學生學習興趣與動機。
  3. 聽力與口說:針對每個章節會有一個主題來讓學生做討論,同時兼顧聽力與口說練習。每個單元後會有建議書籍可做主題延伸閱讀。
  4. 文法:每單元總複習包含兩頁的文法教學與練習
  5. 寫作:每單元總複習後,針對單元所出的寫作主題,除了加強學生寫作能力外,也可確認學生對於單元的了解。
  6. 字彙:在每個文章前會將單字標出,將單字帶入句子,讓學生更了解單字的用法。文章中也會將單字highlight標出,加強學生記憶。
  7. 每個章節以一個Assessment Practice作結尾,內容包含閱讀與寫作,提升學生閱讀與寫作能力。
  8. 每個單完後都有一個Apply & Extend單元,此單元包含了聽說讀寫的練習,老師可依照上課小時數及學生需加強之能力進行複習。
  9. 學生課本內的練習大部份都可配合習作做延伸學習。
  10. Assessment Book內含分級考試、章節單元測驗、期中期末考卷、朗讀速度測驗等
  11. 另有on-line assessment做為在家複習與自學使用,提升學習者更好的學習效果。

ˇˇˇ學生課本、習作、教師手冊與Assessment Book皆分為Introductory, A, B, & C

Just Speak Up Book 1-3

Just Speak Up is a series of three books designed to develop English language learners’ speaking abilities by engaging them in conversations on multiple topics in a variety of communicative formats. Many standardized tests of the English language proficiency include speaking components in which students are expected to be able to talk for several minutes on a given topic in order to demonstrate their level of oral proficiency. The Just Speak Up Series provides instructors with classroom materials to guide students through more than 60hours of extensive speaking practice. With more than 250 question prompts organized into 20 thematic units in each book, students are bound to find something to talk about in every class period.

Benefits for students who practice this type extensive speaking include:

  • Greater confidence at approaching tasks that requires students to speak on a given topic
  • Development of critical thinking skills as they select and organize information to be shared
  • Development of speaking skills particularly related to detailing personal experiences and explaining personal opinions or preferences.
  • Increased classroom participation through listening, responding, and sharing.

Features of the series include:

  • Sample responses to the questions featured in each unit
  • Question guides to help students organize their own responses
  • Pair work and group work activities to keep students active and engaged
  • Audio recordings of sample responses to model intonation and pronunciation of useful phrases and vocabulary.


Knock , knock , trick or treat ?

Els nens i nenes de tercer ens canten i ballen una cançó molt bonica . Escolteu-la !!

Teaching Children SIght Words
