Exploring Reading & Writing是為有效改善學生閱讀及寫作所設計。
1. 多元化的當代主題(包括文化,歷史,人物等等)來吸引學生的閱讀興趣。
2. 從暖身的問題及單字和片語的介紹,文章讀後藉由漸進式的練習來了解其中的重點及細節。
3. 獨特的聽讀練習來加強聽力訓練。
4. 每單元均有段落寫作練習,讓小朋友能藉著學習主題來發揮寫作的能力。
5. 適合小學到國中程度。
1. 多元化的當代主題(包括文化,歷史,人物等等)來吸引學生的閱讀興趣。
2. 從暖身的問題及單字和片語的介紹,文章讀後藉由漸進式的練習來了解其中的重點及細節。
3. 獨特的聽讀練習來加強聽力訓練。
4. 每單元均有段落寫作練習,讓小朋友能藉著學習主題來發揮寫作的能力。
5. 適合小學到國中程度。
Exploring Reading & Writing is designed to improve students' reading and
writing skills in English. There are 20 topics in each book, which have been
selected from contemporary themes in order to stimulate students' interest. The
series will ensure students' progression through various tasks.
˙Units are designed to
reflect the detailed classroom learning process
˙A variety of topics: culture, history, people etc.
˙Listening and Writing activities different from other reading course books
˙Homework provided for each unit
˙Comprehensive vocabulary for primary and secondary level
˙A variety of topics: culture, history, people etc.
˙Listening and Writing activities different from other reading course books
˙Homework provided for each unit
˙Comprehensive vocabulary for primary and secondary level
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