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另類學習-Magic Adventures 魔幻之旅

Magic Adventures
Magic Adventures introduces Jack, his sister Bella, their mysterious dog Ace, and a strange girl with a number of secrets named Olivia. Join them as they have exciting adventures in school, faraway lands and around the world. Magic Adventures will prove that reading is fun.

Magic Adventures 
魔幻之旅 是一套有分程度的彩色漫話書,可做為[讀本/會話/國中教材/話劇表演補充]

Jeremy Lin



Jeremy Lin's story is a great lesson for kids everywhere because it debunks and defangs so many of the prejudices and stereotypes that unfairly hold children back. He's dispelled the idea that Asian-American guards somehow couldn't hack it in the NBA — and that being a world-class athlete on the court is somehow at odds with being an excellent student off the court.
Contrary to what you might read, Jeremy, 23, is no overnight sensation. In fact, he achieved success the old-fashioned way: he earned it. He worked hard and stayed humble. He lives the right way; he plays the right way.
It's great to see good values rewarded in professional sports because that's not always the case. Often it's the bling, the glam, the individual that gets celebrated — not the team and working together to advance a goal bigger than oneself. Jeremy cares only about one thing — winning. And I don't care whether you are an Asian-American kid, white, black or Hispanic, Jeremy's story tells you that if you show grit, discipline and integrity, you too can get an opportunity to overcome the odds.
Duncan is the U.S. Secretary of Education

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2111975_2111976_2111945,00.html #ixzz1sRR2sewC

Asians Smarter Than Western Children
