Art Classic Stories
Art Classic Stories是一套集結各國著名畫家畫風搭配孩子耳熟能詳的故事且兼具英文閱讀及欣賞藝術課程所編寫的古典藝術讀本。
Art Classic Stories不但可以培養孩子藝術氣息又能兼具孩子品德教育,絕對是一套寓教於樂且值得您深藏的讀本。
‧ 故事的內容是用押韻的文體編寫而成。
‧ 每一個故事均是耳熟能詳,令人喜愛的經典童話故事。
‧ 精美的插圖完全仿照各國名畫家的畫風來呈現。
‧ 藉由故事和藝術的討論可以提昇學生理解能力。
‧ 本書同時介紹品德教育的課題。
定價: 每冊200元 (含Audio CD) CD內含三種不同的唸法:戲劇版、床邊版及Q&A
Art Classic Stories is a unique book series that combines classical art with the most loved children's stories of all time.
Each book features a famous artist, with story illustrations in the artists style.
The exquisite pictures capture the children's eyes and guide them to the world of art. The series offers different aspects of art and stories in a delightful format that makes it enjoyable and educational.
These books can be used in reading tutorials, discussion class, and art immersion courses and even in a drama class.
*A delicate rhyming style to capture the essence of the story
*The delightful tales of classical stories
*The exquisite pictures to showcase the specific technique used by each artist
*Discussion of the story and the art, which can take comprehension to a higher level
*Moral lesson sections