主題-Let's do the ABC in Yoga
講師-Nicky hung
說明-Nicky 在4月份幫優百科做了一場半小時[Give Yourself 15 Minutes A Day]
上課地點 - 新上國小 第一會議室 高雄市左營區大順一路100號3樓
上課地點 - 新上國小 第一會議室 高雄市左營區大順一路100號3樓
Preparing Child Ambassadors
To represent your country, you need not only good English communication skills but also a number of other qualities such as strong values, in depth knowledge of other countries and cultures and superior speech skills. If you want your students to be shining little diplomats for Taiwan, then this is a must see
presentation for you as you will be shown effective and practical ways of not just language development but also how to teach them values, culture and speech skills at the same time. Examples will be taken from Macmillan Education’s bestseller Next Stop which incorporates all of these features.
講師介紹 -Patrick Hafenstein
Patrick has over 15 years of teaching and teacher training experience throughout Asia and Australia. He has been the DoS at Taipei’s premier IELTS preparation centre, ADoS at Australia’s largest language school, and regional East Asia Education Consultant for a number of international publishers. Besides these positions held, he has been an author, editor, columnist and an examiner of IELTS, KET, PET and TOEIC (administrator). He is currently based in Taiwan as the East Asia Education Consultant for Macmillan Education.
Tel: 07-724-5190
Fax: 07-724-5191802 高雄市苓雅區五權街29號(靠近三多二路與和平一路口)