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Handwriting Lessons - Sing, Spell, Read & Write Phonics

Sue Dickson, author of Sing, Spell, Read & Write shows you exactly what to say and how to form the letters to avoid reversals and confusions. This video was done in 1972 and is wonderful to watch. ...


Steck Vaughn Phonics K-D(已停產)


適用對象: 8-12歲國小兒童特色:
  1. 在每一階真實的物体的圖片幫助兒童馬上認識主題和記得相關文字的發音。
  2. 整合語言的活動能激發學生應用技巧以激發讀、寫、說、聽及想的能力。
  3. Steck-Vaughn Phonics的詩歌是以聞名的詩歌為主軸。
  4. 每一單元開始的詩歌及影像圖片馬上吸引小朋友,激勵他們關思考和討論。
  5. 建立一個閱讀的基礎透過語音分析、結構分析、查字典技巧、和理解文章。
  6. 每一單元有二頁的測驗卷提供標準測驗練習。
  7. 特殊技巧練習將語音和拼音、讀及寫連結,建立學生一個整合方式的語言技術。
  8. Steck-Vaughn Phonics Photo Card寫實的照片增強一般文字發音,簡單易認的視覺提示。百分之七十六的全色彩卡片根據課本內的語音要素所組成:子音,短母音,長母音,混合子音,兩字一音,雙重母音,r-控制母音,及變化/不發音的字母。另有一套的圖卡附在Book K內,及字母卡包含在Book A內。
  • 學生課本 Level K, A, B, C, D,共5冊
  • 教師本 Level K, A, B, C, D,共5冊

KK for Kids

KK for Kids共分1、2冊,是一套專為英語發音初學者所精心設計的教材,過充滿趣味性的內容,配合教學CD的運用,必能幫助學生快速且有效的學習。

  • 課程編排循序漸進,由淺入深,好教易學。
  • 多樣化的練習活動,激發學生的學習興趣。
  • 字典頁實例介紹,培養學生查字典的能力。
  • 教學CD由專業外籍教師精心錄製,內容活潑生動,節奏輕快。
  • 創意KK音標卡,豐富課堂教學並提供學生拼讀練習的機會。


Longman Phonics

教材特色 說明
Longman Phonics共有三冊,透過圖文並茂的內容及多樣化的活動設計,幫助英語初學者以有趣且有效的旁法來學習發音及拚音規則。
  • 透過活潑生動的彩色圖片,介紹發音規則及單字
  • 課程設計循序漸進,條理分明,學生在家亦可自行完成學習
  • 複習單元皆以跨頁大圖呈現不同練習活動,豐富學習型態
  • 多元化的活動設計,包含節奏韻文、聽力及書寫練習,兼顧聽、說、讀、寫四種技巧發展
  • 書內另附四個測驗單元,提供學生自我評量使用


1. 聽力CD

  • 專業外籍教師錄製,純正美式發音
  • 節奏分明,活潑生動

2. 教學海報

  • 包含課文內容相關例字,可供教師上課使用
  • 學生可自行剪下,作為活動小卡,方便課堂練習或課後複習


Spell to Write and Read Wanda Sanseri Lesson 1

First three words in the phonics program Spell to Write and Read.


Reading - Sing, Spell, Read & Write Phonics Part 2

In 1994 I raised the money to buy the Sing, Spell, Read & Write kit for my "Bottom Second Grade Class", this class had students who were not reading at all. In just 7 short months these kids gained 14 months of learning. This was my FIRST YEAR using the program, so I was stunned! I have tried to get Mayor Bloomberg's attention as well as Joel Klein, however they had an agenda to bring in the "Teacher's College Model" to New York City kids. Too bad, because our students NEED Sing, Spell, Read & Write! It works EVERYTIME!!! I am using this program now in Bushwick, Brooklyn, 15 years later, I finally found a supervisor who knows that the kids need this program! Happy Day! Get this video to OPRAH and OBAMA, YES WE CAN CHANGE AND GET ALL AMERICANS LITERATE!



Reading - Sing, Spell, Read & Write Phonics Part 1

Getting kids literate is easy with this well-built program! There isn't any other program on the market that is this good, ask any teacher who has used it, kids love it, teachers love it and the te...


Cambridge YLE Test

ExaminationPapers from Univerity of Cambridge ESOL Examination
Cambridege University Press is the only official publisher of Young Learners past papers from Cambridge ESOL - an essential part of any prepareatio course for the Young Learners English Tests.

Cambridge Young Learners English Test are designed to evaluate the English level of primary learners aged 7 to 12 - and amke testing fun. They consist of three key levels of assessment: Starters, Movers, and Flyers.

This second edition for the updated 2007 test, contains three Starter, Movers, Flyers papers from University of Cambeidge ESOL Examminations. These colorful test papers contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners at this level. They also provide an excellent opportunity for each children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the format of the test.

The casserre ad CD contains the recorded maaterial for the Listening test. The Answer Booklet includes tapescripts, answers and examples of the type of interchange to expect in the Speaking test.

詳情與售價請洽高雄門市 07-724-5190

Active English Grammar

Active English Grammar 是一套提供最完整及容易理解的英語文法架構的教材,透過本套六冊課本,學習者可以從初學者晉升成為中高級的程度。讓學習者在未來能夠以正確的文法來面對英語世界。


Extensive in scope yet easy to follow, the Active English Grammar series provides a thorough and practical understanding of the mechanics of the English language. Thorough the course of this six-book series, students will advance from beginner to high-intermediate material.

Features of the series:
  • Grammar targets introduced in context, with a variety of text types including dialogs, narratives, letters, and email.
  • A carefully-controlled progression of activities
    Grammar form and function explained in clear, well-organized charts
  • Listening activities help learners encounter grammar targets in real-life situations, leading to greater comprehension
  • Each unit include a review section to consolidate the learners’ grasp on all grammar target covered in the unit

本系列共六冊,售價請洽高雄門市 07-724-5190