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Teaching English to Young Learners
16. 教師用書 Teacher's Resources
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特 色
- 以圖解配合文字說明教導兒童英語教學與方法及相關活動內容,讓兒英教師能迅速學習及使用。
- 強調老師教學過程中的自我省察與同事間的心得交流與分享。
- 在此20個章節中,教師可以學到如何教導字彙、文法、句型結構、聽力、說故事、寫作、引發學習動機、課程安排與計劃、教室秩序維持及班級管理等等實際應用方法,本書實為老師的常用參考工貝用書。
- 每個章節,呈現圖解教學及活動練習兩部份。圖解教學包含:主要字彙,內文,特別解說,及創意補充。活動練習則包含:字彙複習,文法解說,聽力練習,可運用的教師資源,及創意分享。
- 書後有聽力內容及練習解答。
- 另有教師手冊可訂購,教師手冊則包含教學活動的延伸,教學動機的激發,教學步驟,詳盡的教學方針及較深度的師資訓練技巧等等。
12. 檢定 Proficiency Test
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小朋友輕鬆學會聽說讀寫 老師們輕鬆教好2000單字
Ø 適合國小學生,為全民英檢初級做熱身準備
Ø 根據教育部公佈之國中小學生應具備之1000個單字所編寫。
Ø 完全仿照全民英檢「初級檢定測驗」之題型。特別為國中小學生設計之習題,並加入活潑之對話內容及多元的寫作題型,協助學生輕鬆通過「初級全民英檢」
Ø 依主題分類,搭配復習單,掌握重點,有系統地引導學習。
Ø 本書除了適用國中小學生自我學習外,更是才藝中心最佳之英語教材;亦適合成人在職進修,自我充實。
Ø 獨創精心設計之A/B本,方便使用。
Ø 特聘發準之外籍老師錄製CD,模擬「初全民英檢」之測驗,讓學習相得益。
小朋友輕鬆學會聽說讀寫 老師們輕鬆教好2000單字
Ø 適合國小學生,為全民英檢初級做熱身準備
Ø 根據教育部公佈之國中小學生應具備之1000個單字所編寫。
Ø 完全仿照全民英檢「初級檢定測驗」之題型。特別為國中小學生設計之習題,並加入活潑之對話內容及多元的寫作題型,協助學生輕鬆通過「初級全民英檢」
Ø 依主題分類,搭配復習單,掌握重點,有系統地引導學習。
Ø 本書除了適用國中小學生自我學習外,更是才藝中心最佳之英語教材;亦適合成人在職進修,自我充實。
Ø 獨創精心設計之A/B本,方便使用。
Ø 特聘發準之外籍老師錄製CD,模擬「初全民英檢」之測驗,讓學習相得益。
Reading Challenge 1-3
01. 閱讀-成人 Reading
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適用程度-Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate本書是非故事類的閱讀系列,適合以英語為外國語的最高、初、中級等學習者。
Audio CD included in each book
Teacher’s Guide 1~3
Test bank 1~3
Reading Challenge is a three-level non-fiction reading series designed for high-beginner to intermediate young adult EFL learners.
The series presents a wide range of topics through controlled language aimed to engage the interest of readers while ensuring that the content remains accessible.
The graded reading passages found in the three books of the Reading Challenge series allow learners to comfortably progress from easily accessible readings to more challenging ones through repeated exposure to commonly encountered non-fiction structures and vocabulary.
Exercises in the Reading Challenge series provide learners the opportunity to develop their reading, listening, speaking, and writing through activities and exercises targeting each of the four skills.
Test bank 1~3
Reading Challenge is a three-level non-fiction reading series designed for high-beginner to intermediate young adult EFL learners.
The series presents a wide range of topics through controlled language aimed to engage the interest of readers while ensuring that the content remains accessible.
The graded reading passages found in the three books of the Reading Challenge series allow learners to comfortably progress from easily accessible readings to more challenging ones through repeated exposure to commonly encountered non-fiction structures and vocabulary.
Exercises in the Reading Challenge series provide learners the opportunity to develop their reading, listening, speaking, and writing through activities and exercises targeting each of the four skills.
- Non-fiction content accessible to low-proficiency readers
- Common idiomatic expressions incorporated within each passage
- Exercises to practice reading, listening, speaking, and writing.
- Sample passages to support guided writing practice
- Annotated reading passages to facilitate reading comprehension
- Audio supplements for reading passages and listening activities to accompany each unit
- Teacher’s Guide with Answer Key and teaching tips
課本共三冊,教師手冊(1-3)共1冊,Test Bank共三冊
Easy Reading Practice 1-3
01. 閱讀-兒童 Reading
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To parents and students
Do you like elephants and other animals? Do you like interesting stories?
If your answer is "yes", then you will like Easy Reading Practice. In this book, you will read about Ernie—who is very much like any boy (but, he is an elephant, of course!)— his family, and his friend. Ernie loves to speak and learn English. When reading about Ernie, students will learn many new words. There are also many fun activities to help students remember the words that they learn. Happy reading!
To the teacher
My hope is that you’ll find this book not only enjoyable for the students but also a pleasure to use as teaching material. Each unit is uniformly presented with a short story followed by a group of exercises designed to help students use and remember the new vocabulary and grammar. Each unit also has a phonics section and a review section. Each lesson contains a “Teacher’s Tips” to make your job a little easier. The “Teacher’s Tips” are a rich resource of creative ideas to help the units come alive for the students. Of course, there is no substitute for your own creativity and experience, and you will undoubtedly find your own ways to enhance and maximize the effectiveness of each lesson. Happy teaching!
Lynn Reichle and her second grade students go on a writing adventure called Writers' Workshop. For more information about teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle, visit Reading Rockets is a national education service of public television station WETA. Funding is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Spelling Patterns
The Johnson School in Charlottesville, VA, has its own homegrown reading program called RISE (Reading Initiative for Student Excellence). For more information about teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle, visit Reading Rockets is a national education service of public television station WETA. Funding is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.«
Developing Fluency
This video shows an after-school program called RAVE-O that helps teach reading fluency in Malden, Massachusetts. For more information about teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle, visit Reading Rockets is a national education service of public television station WETA. Funding is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.«