Lynn Reichle and her second grade students go on a writing adventure called Writers' Workshop. For more information about teaching kids to read and helping those who struggle, visit www.readingrockets.org. Reading Rockets is a national education service of public television station WETA. Funding is provided by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
970920 台灣英語程度 四小龍最差
台灣英語程度 四小龍最差
更新日期:2008/09/20 04:09
英語老師素質 有待加強
更新日期:2008/09/20 04:09
英語老師素質 有待加強
Spelling-Word Families
At Sudduth Elementary School in Starkville, Mississippi, Tina Scholtes teaches first graders a handy spelling pattern that helps them recognize word clusters. (2:45)
970213 新加坡強化低年級英語學習 見效
新加坡強化低年級英語學習 見效
新加坡教育部重視小學一二年級學生的英語程度,近兩年推出英語增強版學習支援計畫。日前公布評估成效,認為比施行十多年的英語學習支援計畫更有效。 根據新加坡星島日報的報導,教育部兩年前在三十四所小學推出一年級英語增強版學習支援計畫,去年在三十三所小學推出二年級英語增強版學習支援計畫。教育部調查四百名學生的學習成效,發現英語閱讀水準和英文測驗及格的人數為六成五,而之前實施多年的英語學習支援計畫只有四成。 英語增強版學習支援計畫注重學生的認字及閱讀理解力,從學習英文字母發音,再學習組成文字如何發音,分析字彙讀音及念句子。目標為一年級學生在一分鐘內準確閱讀四十個英文單字,二年級學生為九十個單字。 新加坡教育部政務次長馬善高說,增強版新計畫推行一年,學生的英文學習就有進步。至於另外有三成五未達檢測標準的小學生,教育部將繼續深入探討這些學生遭遇的學習困難。
新加坡教育部重視小學一二年級學生的英語程度,近兩年推出英語增強版學習支援計畫。日前公布評估成效,認為比施行十多年的英語學習支援計畫更有效。 根據新加坡星島日報的報導,教育部兩年前在三十四所小學推出一年級英語增強版學習支援計畫,去年在三十三所小學推出二年級英語增強版學習支援計畫。教育部調查四百名學生的學習成效,發現英語閱讀水準和英文測驗及格的人數為六成五,而之前實施多年的英語學習支援計畫只有四成。 英語增強版學習支援計畫注重學生的認字及閱讀理解力,從學習英文字母發音,再學習組成文字如何發音,分析字彙讀音及念句子。目標為一年級學生在一分鐘內準確閱讀四十個英文單字,二年級學生為九十個單字。 新加坡教育部政務次長馬善高說,增強版新計畫推行一年,學生的英文學習就有進步。至於另外有三成五未達檢測標準的小學生,教育部將繼續深入探討這些學生遭遇的學習困難。
Introduction of Reading for Speed and Fluency
Reading for Speed and Fluency-Introduction
Why is it good to read fast?
Most learners of English read very slowly, often less than 100 words per minute. They can easily read much faster if they read passages at the right level, and if they have some practice in reading faster. These books will help you do this.
Why is it good to read faster? When you can read faster, you will find it easier to understand. You do not spend your time spelling out words, and so you can give more time to understanding. When you read faster, you can read more. Reading can be fun. It is more fun when you can do it easily at a good speed.
There are many kinds of reading: reading for study, reading for fun, reading to learn about the world (such as reading newspapers), and reading for follow instructions. When you become faster at one kind of reading, you will also be faster at these other kinds of reading.
You may also be able to listen a bit faster because you are used to working with English at a fast speed.
This part of your English course is different from other parts. In the other parts of your English course, you meet new words and new pieces of grammar and learn them but by bit. This part of your English course, however, tries to have almost no new things to learn. It tries to make you use what you already know and use it as well as you possibly can. This is called “becoming fluent.” When you are fluent in a language, you can use what you know well.
The goal of this book is to help you become a fluent reader at all levels of your learning.
The passages in these books
The passages in these reading books are written to help you read faster. Most learners of English read slowly, but with a little practice, they can read as fast as many native speakers.
Most learners read slowly because they meet many unknown words in their reading. The passages in these books have been prepared so that there will be very few unknown words in them. First, the passages are written in familiar useful vocabulary. Second, the passages are about familiar things. Third, the passages are grouped into themes so that the five passages on the same theme will become easier as you read
your way through them. The earlier passages will make the later ones more familiar. Fourth, difficult vocabulary is reviewed before you read the passages. All of these things are done so that you can read the passages quickly without meeting unknown words. The purpose of these books is to help you read faster.
Using the books
You should follow these steps when you read the books. Your teacher can help you with this.
Step 1: Do the exercises and learn the vocabulary at the beginning of each set of passages. Make sure you know these words well before you begin reading the passages.
Step 2: Before reading each passages look at the time. If you are reading in class, the teacher will tell you when to begin.
Step 3: Read the passages as quickly as you can while trying to understand the passage.
Step 4: As soon as you finish reading, write down how many minutes and seconds it took you to read the passage.
Step 5: Turn the page and answer the questions. When you answer the questions, do not look back at the passage.
Step 6: Check your answers to the questions using the answer keys in the back of the book.
Step7: Write your speed and question score in one of the graphs at the back of the book. Every passage in the book has almost exactly the same number of words, so your reading time can tell you your reading speed.
Step8: Look at your reading speed. You should try to read at around 250 words per minute. You may have to read many passages before you can get to this speed, but this should be your goal. When you read the next passage, try to go faster.
Some things to think about
These books are written to help you read faster. Your goal is not to be the fastest reader in the world, but you should learn to read at a normal, comfortable reading speed. For most people this is around 250 words per minute, but some read faster.
Reading faster is only good if you also understand what you read. That is why there are questions after each story. If you get an answer wrong, that is not a problem. Your main goal is to read faster. However, the questions are easy so that you can read faster and get all or most of them correct.
You check your own questions and measure your own speed. It is easy to cheat if you want to. However, if you cheat, your teacher cannot give you the help yoou need to read faster. If you cheat, you know that your speed and question sore is not really your score. Use these books honestly and properly and you will see your reading get better.
If you like the idea of reading faster, you can help yourself by doing other easy reading. It is not possible to read faster if you are always meeting unknown words. You can add to the learning from these books by reading other, longer easy books as quickly as you can.
Why is it good to read fast?
Most learners of English read very slowly, often less than 100 words per minute. They can easily read much faster if they read passages at the right level, and if they have some practice in reading faster. These books will help you do this.
Why is it good to read faster? When you can read faster, you will find it easier to understand. You do not spend your time spelling out words, and so you can give more time to understanding. When you read faster, you can read more. Reading can be fun. It is more fun when you can do it easily at a good speed.
There are many kinds of reading: reading for study, reading for fun, reading to learn about the world (such as reading newspapers), and reading for follow instructions. When you become faster at one kind of reading, you will also be faster at these other kinds of reading.
You may also be able to listen a bit faster because you are used to working with English at a fast speed.
This part of your English course is different from other parts. In the other parts of your English course, you meet new words and new pieces of grammar and learn them but by bit. This part of your English course, however, tries to have almost no new things to learn. It tries to make you use what you already know and use it as well as you possibly can. This is called “becoming fluent.” When you are fluent in a language, you can use what you know well.
The goal of this book is to help you become a fluent reader at all levels of your learning.
The passages in these books
The passages in these reading books are written to help you read faster. Most learners of English read slowly, but with a little practice, they can read as fast as many native speakers.
Most learners read slowly because they meet many unknown words in their reading. The passages in these books have been prepared so that there will be very few unknown words in them. First, the passages are written in familiar useful vocabulary. Second, the passages are about familiar things. Third, the passages are grouped into themes so that the five passages on the same theme will become easier as you read
your way through them. The earlier passages will make the later ones more familiar. Fourth, difficult vocabulary is reviewed before you read the passages. All of these things are done so that you can read the passages quickly without meeting unknown words. The purpose of these books is to help you read faster.
Using the books
You should follow these steps when you read the books. Your teacher can help you with this.
Step 1: Do the exercises and learn the vocabulary at the beginning of each set of passages. Make sure you know these words well before you begin reading the passages.
Step 2: Before reading each passages look at the time. If you are reading in class, the teacher will tell you when to begin.
Step 3: Read the passages as quickly as you can while trying to understand the passage.
Step 4: As soon as you finish reading, write down how many minutes and seconds it took you to read the passage.
Step 5: Turn the page and answer the questions. When you answer the questions, do not look back at the passage.
Step 6: Check your answers to the questions using the answer keys in the back of the book.
Step7: Write your speed and question score in one of the graphs at the back of the book. Every passage in the book has almost exactly the same number of words, so your reading time can tell you your reading speed.
Step8: Look at your reading speed. You should try to read at around 250 words per minute. You may have to read many passages before you can get to this speed, but this should be your goal. When you read the next passage, try to go faster.
Some things to think about
These books are written to help you read faster. Your goal is not to be the fastest reader in the world, but you should learn to read at a normal, comfortable reading speed. For most people this is around 250 words per minute, but some read faster.
Reading faster is only good if you also understand what you read. That is why there are questions after each story. If you get an answer wrong, that is not a problem. Your main goal is to read faster. However, the questions are easy so that you can read faster and get all or most of them correct.
You check your own questions and measure your own speed. It is easy to cheat if you want to. However, if you cheat, your teacher cannot give you the help yoou need to read faster. If you cheat, you know that your speed and question sore is not really your score. Use these books honestly and properly and you will see your reading get better.
If you like the idea of reading faster, you can help yourself by doing other easy reading. It is not possible to read faster if you are always meeting unknown words. You can add to the learning from these books by reading other, longer easy books as quickly as you can.
GROW-Holidays Around the World
on 2008年10月11日
14. 節慶用書 Holiday
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「Grow Series」為節慶閱讀教材,本系列共四冊。內容是介紹中、西文化節慶的由來、習俗之典故。
第一冊 From Monster to Moon Cakes:農曆新年、清明節、端午節、中秋節。
第二冊 From Portable Light to Precious Daylight:元宵節 、七夕、教師節、冬至。
第三冊 From Egg Hunts to White Elephants:復活節、母親節、感恩節、聖誕節。
第四冊 From the East to the West:泰國潑水節、日本女兒節、美國愚人節、英國節禮日。
每冊書加CD,訂價請洽高雄門市 07-724-5190
Fun with Writing-A great book for beginner
on 2008年10月1日
04. 寫作 Writing
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Ready to Read and Write 1-3
04. 寫作 Writing
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3.每冊20個單元,每二個單元後再加上Extra Practices,藉由多種的寫作練習活動,強化學生的吸收能力。
Ready to Read and Write is an exciting three-book reading comprehension series for primary students. Ready to Read and Write complements the first three levels of all primary courses. The reading texts in this series introduce primary students to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts.
Major features of Ready to Read and Write are:
Reading text
*Colorfully illustrated reading texts
*Carefully controlled vocabulary and grammar structures
*Delightful characters that students will immediately relate to
*Recordings of all reading texts
Vocabulary development
*Thematic approach to vocabulary building
*Vocabulary used in new contexts
Reading skills development
*Wide range of clear and simple activities carefully developed for primary learners
*Focus on a wide range of reading skills
*Focus on understanding texts at sentence, paragraph and text level *Opportunities for pair and group work
*Complete answer key
Extra practice
*Extension material for each unit
*Tests to check students' progress
Each level of Ready to Read and Write contains:
*A four-color student's book
*A teacher's guide including answers
*An audio CD